
Better Homes And Gardens Hydrangea Cake

8 Fall Flowers to Plant in Your Garden

The falling of leaves doesn't need to mean the disappearance of flowers. Learn about the best fall flowers in this article!

8 Fall Flowers to Plant in Your Garden

With the arrival of fall, the city changes its colors completely, and the cold weather sets in. However, it's a time when you can also enjoy a blossoming and colorful garden. In this article, we're going to talk about 8 fall flowers to plant in your garden.

Choosing seasonal flowers and vegetables to have in our gardens and orchards is always a good option. It allows them to be easy to grow and develop properly.

In addition, they're easier to care for and come at a better price. Plus, they're the perfect excuse to dedicate some time to gardening and enjoy its many health benefits.

When the cold seasons of the year arrive, it's time to bring warmth to our homes to keep us cheery and maintain a cozy atmosphere. Flowers are great allies to fill our spaces with life and joy.

1. Fall flowers: Hydrangeas

The hydrangea is a very beautiful and graceful flower because it blooms constantly, is easy to care for, and has a variety of bright colors. The last bloom occurs in the fall, and it's characterized by its more toned down and romantic tones.

These flowers exist in purple, blue, pink, violet, and white colors. During the fall, their tonality is more subdued. However, this gives it a more rustic and vintage look.

The Hydrangea Flowering Guide from the Polytechnic University of Valencia indicates that it's necessary to put them in the shade when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees centigrade for prolonged periods. This can happen in some areas at the beginning of the season. It's also recommended to fertilize with nitrogen, which should be reduced in September and eliminated in October.

Hortensias en otoño.

Hydrangeas bloom in autumn with more subdued colors than usual.

2. Pansies

Pansies are very easy to look after, despite their delicate appearance. They come in many shades, bloom in abundance, and are very popular because they adapt well to different growing zones. However, to stimulate flowering in autumn, it's advisable to use fertilizers in late summer.

Pansies need good sun exposure and moist – but not waterlogged – well-drained soil. Since they exist in different shades (yellow, orange, blue, purple, violet, white and pink), they're some of the plants that bring the most joy to homes.

3. Fall flowers: Fuchsia

As its name suggests, this place has an intense fuchsia color combined with purple that attracts a lot of attention. Its tones make the perfect contrast with the fall colors. It also has a delicate, bell-like shape.

It flowers from summer to mid-autumn. During spring and early summer, liquid fertilizers should be used every two weeks. Then, they can be reduced to once a month.

4. Chinese rose

The Chinese rose, also known as the Bengal rose, is perfect for the autumn season because its flowering can take place in this season. Despite its tropical appearance, it resists low temperatures, as there are even species that can withstand below zero temperatures.

However, its ideal temperature is between 12 and 23 degrees Celsius. For this reason, it flowers mainly at the beginning of fall.

To support its flowering, it's necessary to apply fertilizers that offer enough nutrients. Ideally, these should be granulated, as they're released more slowly and prevent the risk of burning.

In summer, it needs a lot of water. However, as the weather cools and becomes more humid, this amount decreases.

5. Fall flowers: Calendula

Besides being an aromatic plant with many health benefits that's famous for its healing properties, calendula has striking orange flowers.

It's flowering usually occurs in spring. However, if it's protected from the excessive summer heat and given sufficient care with fertilizer and pruning, it can remain in bloom in the fall as well.

It must be planted in a well-lit area so that it receives constant sunlight. It also needs persistent watering, but not copious amounts.

6. Apple blossoms

If you have a large garden or a backyard that allows you to have trees, apple trees are wonderful. Besides the fact that they allow you to eat delicious fruit, in the fall you can delight in their beautiful blossoms. They're usually white and pink, with small fuchsia circles that stand out.

To care for an apple tree, you need soil rich in nutrients that allows good drainage. This type of tree appreciates organic and natural fertilizers. It also requires constant and abundant watering.

7. Autumn crocus

This is one of the most beautiful and delicate-looking fall flowers that comes in lilac or light pink colors. In the center, it hides beautiful white and yellow tones.

It's also known as wild crocus. It's a bulb native to Europe with a height between 10 and 30 centimeters.

This is a type of flower that prefers shade and moistbut well-drained soils. It should be planted in the summer and a liquid fertilizer should be applied every 15 days.

The best thing is that its flowering starts in autumn, so you can keep it beautiful during the whole season. Plus, it's also resistant to pests and diseases.

There is also a species of this plant that flowers in autumn and is known as golden saffron. Don't be confused by the name, however, because it's not the same variety of saffron used in cooking!

8. Fall flowers: Lavender

Lavender is a very desirable plant because, in addition to its beautiful appearance that gives it ornamental properties, it also has a wonderful smell. As you probably already may know, it can also be used to treat different ailments and has relaxing properties.

As if that were not enough, it's a very resistant plant and easy to grow, so it can withstand the autumn cold. All it needs is to have alkaline soil with good drainage.

On the other hand, it's important to give it moderate watering. Otherwise, it may rot or develop fungus. Finally, it's important not to use too much fertilizer, as it doesn't require it.

Campos de lavanda en otoño.

Lavender is a plant that has excellent cosmetic and medicinal uses, so it's widely cultivated.

Decorate with fall flower bouquets

In this article, you've read about different fall flowers that you can have in your home during this beautiful season. However, if you find it difficult to have a space on your terrace or in your garden to plant, an excellent alternative is to buy bouquets. If you want to go with the colors of the season, it's best to use oranges, reds, and yellows.

Also, before winter arrives, you can take the flowers from the bouquets or from the garden to dry them. To do this, simply put the petals between books and leave them to dry for a couple of months. You can then use them to make resin jewelry, decorate Christmas cards, or create beautiful collages.

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Better Homes And Gardens Hydrangea Cake


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